Deliver engaging remote presentations that boost
audience focus and increase conversion.
Death by PowerPoint won’t close deals
70% of sales professionals agree that selling virtually is not as effective as selling in person!
Passively presenting a deck, turning off the camera, and talking endlessly with no visual feedback makes it easy for customers to be distracted, lose attention, and stop engaging.
When you audience is not paying attention to you, they will never remember what you had to say!
Make your customers feel like you are in the same room as them.
You need to be visually dynamic and present your story in a way that captures attention and sustains it for long periods.
Reactiv SUITE gives you the flexibility to create an engaging and interactive meeting experience where you can differentiate yourself. Stand right beside your content and present, while visually capturing feedback and notes in real-time. Connect with your audience and leave them with a long-lasting impression.
Build Trust
Make your customers feel like they are talking to you and not to your deck! Control your camera image and be right there beside your content – not a tiny postage stamp at the bottom the screen.
Capture Attention
Your customers lose interest and get distracted within 30 seconds in a normal remote presentation. Write, highlight and interact with your content and create visual stimulus that helps them focus and pay attention to you.
When your customers are engaged, they remember you when they are making the buying decision. Dramatically improve your close ratio when selling on remote video conference calls.
The best Interactive Presentation Software & Whiteboard for any video conferencing platform!
Just click screen share in your favorite VC platform
If you present, teach or coach..
We have the tools to transform your remote presentation and make you stand out!

allows you to
#1 Elevate your presence
Pin, position and scale your camera image so you can be side-by-side with your deck. Your executive presence helps you connect with your audience and is critical for building trust.
Make your remote audiences feel like they are having a conversation with you – not watching you present.
#2 Be Visual
Add ink to any type of document and be interactive during your presentation. Highlight, underline and draw attention to help you formulate a coherent idea.
Make your remote brainstorming meetings as memorable as if everyone was in the same room.
#3 Be Interactive
Take notes and be visual. Sketch and markup on a whiteboard, write down questions and comments, create parking lot items and bring your prospects and customers into the conversation.
Remove the ‘remote’ from your next remote sales pitch!
Solutions to fit any space
- Simply leverage existing content.
- Create a memorable and engaging presentation right from your desk.
- Stand out and differentiate yourself from competition.
- Create an immersive remote meeting experience.

- Unparalleled remote experience, as if you are in the same room with the presenter.
- Better focus and engagement.
- Retain information for a longer period of time.

- Interactive remote/hybrid meetings increase remote workers' productivity.
- The best way for remote teams to feel connected.
- Simple to setup, easy to support and maintain.
- No large investment required.