Online Sales Training for The New Normal
Every business in the world is trying to figure out how to transition to an online and hybrid setting; it’s more important than ever for you to train your team on collaborating and connecting with new customers in a virtual setting. But how does one navigate the ton of online collaboration software and video conferencing
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Remote Meetings Suck – The art of wasting US$1,500 per employee per month
Remote meetings suck! Not only do they waste a lot of time and money, but the patience of your audience as well. That’s the conclusion of hundreds of studies and reports completed over the past few decades. In addition, they waste a lot of money!
Customer Stories: Shelby Hacala
Shelby Hacala is a serial entrepreneur and professional Business Coach who routinely works with business leaders and entrepreneurs to implement simple, real-life tools that help them achieve their goals and objectives. The pandemic changed everything for Shelby Pre-pandemic, he used in-person facilitated meetings almost exclusively.
Stand Out in Your Next Online Presentation
Did you know that for many people, they would rather die than speak in public? Scientific studies have shown that a fear of public speaking was found to be a more pressing concern than death – only the loss of a family member was deemed
Online Sales Training for The New Normal
Every business in the world is trying to figure out how to transition to an online and hybrid setting; it’s more important than ever for you to train your team on collaborating and connecting with new customers in a virtual setting. But how does one
New ‘New Normal’
Watch the full RICOH presentation on Remote Collaboration & Creativity Re-imagined For The ‘Next Normal’ The New ‘New Normal’ MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, June 16, 2020 Introduction Regardless of when a vaccine is found or how we get our societies back to normal, millions of people around
How to Have Productive Meetings
The Need For An Integrated Boardroom The Ideal Appliance for Your Conference Room MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, April 22, 2020 The future of work is here! The promises of the ‘digital revolution’ are within our grasp: remote workforce, diversity, adaptability, efficiency – all within the digital environment.
How to Have Productive Meetings
How to Have Productive Meetings in Your Business The art of wasting US$1,500 per employee per month MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, November 20, 2019 Introduction Meetings suck! That’s the conclusion of hundreds of studies and reports completed over the past few decades. In any organization, regardless of
Reactiv VS The World
Reactiv VS The World – The need for a Remote Creativity Platform MISSISSAUGA, ONTARIO, November 5, 2019 Introduction The ability to communicate ideas and information is one of the most important elements in the evolution of mankind. Humans have always been communicating, collaborating, and sharing